Welcome to the Distributor Area!

Welcome to the new distributor area! Here you can easily access to the latest marketing material and quality documents…

Dear valued distributors,


Welcome to the new distributor area! 


Here we will systematically store the latest marketing material,  our training and marketing video clips, some internal news for you, and our quality documents database for your quick reference of IFUs and TDS.


Please feel free to contact us if you need any further material at the following email addresses:

-For quality documents contact Mirna and Karl,  at mirna.eskic@thigmbh.at and karl.hintermann@thigmbh.at

-For marketing material contact Tecla, at tecla.rosati@thigmbh.at

-For customer care matters contact Silke, at silke.gabriel@thigmbh.at


We highly value your feedback, so please let us know if you wish to see something more here. 


We hope you will enjoy this new area!


Kind Regards from THI